Tsuyako Nakamura is a professor at the Faculty of Global Communications of Doshisha University. Her specialty is women’s labor issues in the U.S. and Japan. Currently, she is researching work-life integration and employment policy for women's advancement with Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Her major publications include co-authored books, Work-Life Integration (2021), Human Resource Management in the Era of EVP (Employee Value Proposition) (2018), Work-life Balance and Management (2017) and Creating Gender Equal Workplace (2004). She finished her Ph.D. course at Doshisha University after obtaining M.A. at Monterey Institute of International Studies in California as a Rotary International student. She was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Stanford University and Harvard University in 2009-2010. She has been active for social leadership programs including TOMODACHI MetLife Women’s Leadership Program as the first-year mentor/chaperone (2013), and Kansai Economic Federation's women's empowerment program as coordinator (2014-2023). From June 2021, she serves as president of the Japan Academy of Labor Management.